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CNN [ Sun.Jan 20,2019 ~ Sat.Jan 26,2019 ] [2019-01-22 Tue] Time is running out and Theresa May's Plan B for Brexit is Plan A all over again London (CNN) Less than a week after her Brexit plan was defeated in the House of Commons by a record number of votes, Theresa May needed to have something substantial to tell lawmakers when she returned to Parliament on Monday. The UK Prime Minister has spent the last few days in talks with lawmaker.. 2019. 1. 23.
CNN [ Sun.Jan 13,2019 ~ Sat.Jan 19,2019 ] [2019-01-15 Tue] Theresa May's Brexit deal faces vote in Parliament 브렉시트(영국의 유럽연합 탈회) 합의안에 대한 하원의 승인투표가 영국 현지시간으로 15일 오후 7시에 치뤄진다는 기사. CNN에서 Live Update 중이다. What we're covering hereIt's crunch time for the PM's Brexit deal, with lawmakers set to vote on the UK's withdrawal agreement with the EU.Theresa May is widely expected to lose the vote by a wide margin -- some predicting the bill could be.. 2019. 1. 15.
MIT OCW - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python - Lecture 03 Lecture 3. STRING MANIPULATION, GUESS-and-CHECK, APPROXIMATIONS, BISECTION 이 글은 Mit Open Courseware(OCW)에서 공개한 교육자료이며 OCW의 라이센스정책을 따릅니다. License : Common Creative License : BY-NC-SA (저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락) 출처 : https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/lecture-slides-code/MIT6_0001F16_Lec3.pdf .. 2019. 1. 10.
MIT OCW - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python - Lecture 02 Lecture 2. BRANCHING, ITERATION 이 글은 Mit Open Courseware(OCW)에서 공개한 교육자료이며 OCW의 라이센스정책을 따릅니다.License : Common Creative License : BY-NC-SA (저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락) 출처 : https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/lecture-slides-code/MIT6_0001F16_Lec2.pdf 1. Strings- String : 문자, 특수문자, 스페이스, 숫자로 구성-.. 2019. 1. 9.
CNN [ Sun.Jan 6,2019 ~ Sat.Jan 12,2019 ] [2019-01-06 Sun] Why Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro has environmentalists worried for the Amazon 브라질 대통령으로 선출된 보우소나르가 환경부를 취임직후 농림부로 통합시키는등의 아마존 개발의 수순을 밟고 있어 결국 아마존 파괴를 부를것이라는 우려 (CNN)The Amazon rainforest is an ecological wonder. Its waterways and canopy provide a rich ecosystem for a 10th of all the world's species and help regulate the temperature of the entire planet. But the election of far-right.. 2019. 1. 6.
CNN [ Sun.Dec 30,2018 ~ Sat.Jan 5,2019 ] [2018-12-31 Mon] Manafort 'pressured by Russians' in campaign - Paul Manafort pressured by Russians to pay back debt while Trump's campaign chair, Time magazine says- Ex-Russian associate demanded that Trump's campaign manager pay back millions he owed, Time reports 폴 J. 매너 포트 (Paul J. Manafort) : 트럼프 미대통령 선거대책본부장. 2016년 3월 트럼프 선거캠프에 합류했으나 과거 우크라이나 집권당으로부터 1270만 달러 수수의혹을 받고 물러났다. associate : 동료 .. 2018. 12. 31.