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CNN [ Sun, Feb 17,2019 ~ Sat.Feb 23,2019 ]

by redcrow 2019. 2. 19.

[2019-02-18 Mon]

UK lawmakers: Facebook 'intentionally and knowingly' violated data privacy laws

- Headline : Facebook branded 'digital gangsters'

영국 의회가 개인정보 수집, 유출, 여론조작 의혹을 받고 있는 페이스북에 대해 규제를 가할 움직임을 보이고 있다.

2016년 미국 대통령선거에서 소셜미디어를 이용해 선거개입을 했다는 의혹이 사실로 드러나고 있고, 영국에서도 브렉시트 투표에 페이스북이 개입했다는 의혹이 일자 의회가 직접 페이스북에 대한 규제를 요청하는 상황에 이르렀다.

London (CNN Business)

UK lawmakers have accused Facebook of violating data privacy and competition laws in a report on social media disinformation that also says CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed "contempt" toward parliament by not appearing before them.

The UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee said in a report published Monday that a trove of internal Facebook emails it reviewed demonstrated that the social media platform had "intentionally and knowingly" violated both data privacy and competition laws.

The cache of documents reviewed by the committee, some of which include correspondence between Zuckerberg and company executives, stem from a lawsuit filed in California against Facebook (FB). The committee obtained the documents late last year from a small app company called Six4Three that is behind the suit.

  • intentionally : 고의로
  • knowingly : 다 알고도, 고의로
  • brand : 낙인을 찍다
  • disinformation : 허위정보
  • contempt : (법규등을) 개의치 않음. 무시함.
  • trove : 발견물, 수집물
  • correspondence :  서신, 편지
  • lawsuit : 소송
  • file : (소송을) 제기하다  ex) a lawsuit was filed against Apple
  • Six4Three : 미국의 앱 개발업체로 2015년 페이스북과의 소송에서 자사가 보관하고 있는 캐시정보를 증거로 제시해서 승소했다.

[2019-02-19 Tue]

Trump expected to ramp up pressure on Venezuela's Maduro in speech

Washington (CNN)

President Donald Trump is expected to urge Venezuelan military officials to back the country's self-declared interim president Juan Guaido and allow humanitarian aid to flow into Venezuela.

Trump's latest appeal will come during a speech Monday in Miami where Trump will seek to ramp up the public pressure on the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, following a series of US-led sanctions and diplomatic maneuvers aimed at ousting Maduro.

The US and dozens of other countries last month recognized Guaido, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, as the country's legitimate interim president as the toll of Venezuela's political, economic and humanitarian crisis mounted.

  • ramp up : ~을 늘리다. 증가시키다
  • urge :  ~하도록 충고하다. 강력히 촉구하다.
  • interim : 중간/임시/과도의
  • regime : 정권
  • sanction : 제재
  • maneuvers : 작전
  • oust : (일자리, 권좌에서) 몰아내다. 축출하다
  • legitimate : 정당한
