[2019-01-22 Tue]
Time is running out and Theresa May's Plan B for Brexit is Plan A all over again
London (CNN)
Less than a week after her Brexit plan was defeated in the House of Commons by a record number of votes, Theresa May needed to have something substantial to tell lawmakers when she returned to Parliament on Monday.
The UK Prime Minister has spent the last few days in talks with lawmakers from all parties to try to break the stalemate on Britain's withdrawal from the European Union -- with the notable exception of the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.
- stalemate : 교착상태
On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will take up President Donald Trump's already-doomed proposal to re-open the government by offering temporary protections for DACA recipients in exchange for money to build his border wall. Then, on Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will hold a vote in the House on a continuing resolution that would re-open the government through February 28. It will pass the House and be ignored by the Senate.
So, stalemate. And, if that all happens, we will be 33 days into the longest government shutdown in American history with absolutely zero prospects for a deal. Plus, as the shutdown continues on, both sides become more entrenched and invested in refusing to blink -- making it increasingly likely that this could go on a LOT longer.
- DACA : Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. 불법체류신분의 미성년자의 국외추방을 2년간 유예해주는 미국의 이민법.
- 오바마 대통령이 도입했으며 트럼프 대통령이 폐지했다.
- recipient : 수혜자
- entrench : (변경이 어렵도록) 단단하게 자리 잡게 하다
[2019-01-25 FRI]
How Nancy Pelosi beat Donald Trump at his own game (and why it matters)
낸시 펠로시 미하원의장이 셧다운 사태의 종료없이는 국정연설도 없다고 트럼프의 연두교서(State of Union Address)를 거부하는 서한을 보냈으나 트럼프 대통령은 강행할 의지를 보여 강한 충돌이 예상되었다.
하지만 트럼프 대통령이 셧다운 종료 이후에 연두교서를 진행하겠다는 한발 물러서는 트윗을 올림에 따라 펠로시에게 굴복했다는 평이 나오고 있다.
(CNN)Donald Trump blinked.
There's simply no other way to interpret this tweet sent at 11:12 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday night:
- State of the Union Address : 국정연설, 연두교서. 미국대통령이 매년 연초(1월말)에 의회(United States Congress)에서 진행하는 정기적인 연설. 일반적으로 예산, 경제보고, 입법요청등의 내용이 포함된다.
- prerogative: (특정한 사람이나 집단의) 권리, 특권, 특혜
- concession : (상황을 개선하기 위한) 양보
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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CNN [ Sun.Jan 13,2019 ~ Sat.Jan 19,2019 ] (0) | 2019.01.15 |
CNN [ Sun.Jan 6,2019 ~ Sat.Jan 12,2019 ] (0) | 2019.01.06 |
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