Trump tramples and divides world, just like he does at home
Headline : Is Trump bullying the world?
US President threatens to inflict the same inflamed divisions overseas that he's stoked at home
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London (CNN) - Even before he was elected everyone knew Donald Trump was a bully, what they didn't know was how his bullying would affect them, nor what it would reveal about who he fears.
Trump's often mendacious torrents of stilted rhetoric have already crushed common ground at home and polarized America.
But now a little over half way through his Presidency, having shed all but the most stubborn restraining influences in his administration, he threatens to inflict the same inflamed divisions overseas.
This week his top diplomat, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, followed his boss's undiplomatic footsteps, dissing Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May during a trip to the UK, comparing her unfavorably to her predecessor, the venerated Margaret Thatcher.
He told a London audience in a clear reference to May's decision to consider 5G network provider Huawei for UK projects, "Ask yourself: would the Iron Lady be silent when China violates the sovereignty of nations through corruption and coercion?"
The last time his boss was in the UK he too unloaded on the PM, suggesting May had ignored his advice on Brexit and that her former Foreign Secretary MP Boris Johnson would do a better job.
- trample : 짖밟다
- bully : (약자를) 괴롭히다.
- inflict : (괴로움등을) 가하다
- inflame : 흥분(격앙)시키다. 악화시키다
- mendacious : 진실을 말하지 않는, 허위인
- torrent : 급류, 마구 쏟아짐
- rhetoric : 미사여구
- stilted : 부자연스러운, 과장된
torrents of stilted rhetoric : 과장된 미사여구의 쏟아짐 - stubborn : 완고한
- restrain : 저지하다, 제지하다
- dis : 경멸하다
- venerate : 공경하다, 숭배하다
Headline : Soon after Trump tweeted 'China should not retaliate,' the country raises tariffs on $60 billion worth of US goods
Live News라 'What we covered here' 기재
미국의 관세폭탄에 대응하는 중국의 관세보복에 다우 2.38%, 나스탁 3.41% 하락. 심화되는 미중 무역갈등에 우리나라는 죽어난다.
What we covered here
Tariff hike : China announced it will be raising tariffs on $60 billion worth of US goods.
What happened last week : The Trump administration raised tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese exports from 10% to 25% on Friday.
What's at stake : About a quarter of the items hit by the US's new 25% tariff rate are consumer goods, including luggage, backpacks and baseball gloves. (The Trump administration has so far strategically shielded most consumer electronics, like iPhones, and other everyday goods from the tariffs)
아래는 중국에게 보복하면 더 상황이 안좋아질것이라고 경고하는 트럼프의 트윗
..There will be nobody left in China to do business with. Very bad for China, very good for USA! But China has taken so advantage of the U.S. for so many years, that they are way ahead (Our Presidents did not do the job). Therefore, China should not retaliate-will only get worse!
- strike back at : ~에게 반격을 가하다
- retaliate : 보복하다
- tariff : 관세
- hike : 대폭적인 인상
- What's at stake : 무엇이 문제인가
Trump's trade war shows how China has lost all its friends in Washington
Hong Kong (CNN) - Better relations with China used to be a bipartisan issue in Washington.
Beginning with Richard Nixon's history-making visit to Beijing in 1972, subsequent administrations -- both Democrat and Republican -- worked to improve relations with Beijing.
Democrat Jimmy Carter formally recognized the People's Republic of China over Taiwan, Republican George H.W. Bush maintained dialogue with Chinese leaders in the years following the Tiananmen Massacre, and Democrat Bill Clinton supported China's membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
That sense of steadiness and dependability has begun to unravel during President Donald Trump's time in office. This week, he ramped up a crackdown on Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, amid a worsening trade war with Beijing that is causing economic hardship on both sides.
- bipartisan : 양당의
- the Tiananmen Massacre : 천안문 사태 (Massacre : 대학살). 1989년 6월 4일 천안문 광장에서 시위를 벌이던 시민을 계엄군을 동원하여 해산시킨 사태.
- steadiness : 견실함. 끈기, 불변
- dependability : 믿을수 있음
- unravel : 흐트러지기 시작하다
- ramp up : ~을 늘리다. 증가시키다
- crackdown : 단속, 탄압
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