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CNN [ Sun, Feb 10,2019 ~ Sat.Feb 16,2019 ]

by redcrow 2019. 2. 16.

[2019-02-10 Sun]

The battle is on between Trump and his Democratic foes

- Headline : Trump furious over new layer of peril


A clarifying week in Washington showed how ugly the war of oversight between President Donald Trump and House Democrats will become and dug new battle lines in the most intense exchanges yet of the 2020 campaign.

House Democrats swung their investigative machinery into action in the most searching examination of the Trump White House so far, showing that the special counsel's probe is only one of the President's concerns.

The administration and its allies made clear they will do everything possible to frustrate Democratic oversight efforts, in a way that will test the constitutional infrastructure designed to hold the executive branch to account.

  • poe : 적
  • peril : 심각한 위험
  • House Democrats : 민주당
  • yet : 지금[그때]까지 있은 것 중 가장 좋은, 긴 등
  • swing into action : 행동에 돌입하다
  • investigative machinery : 조사기구

[2019-02-16 Sat]

Trump declares border national emergency to bipartisan skepticism

자신의 공약인 국경장벽 건설을 위해 양당이 합의한 예산안을 거부했다가 연방정부 셧다운이라는 상황을 맞았던 트럼프 미대통령이 이번에는 국가비상사태를 선포해 의회와의 합의 없이 장벽건설을 위한 예산을 확보하려고 하고있다.

미국대통령은 국가비상사태법에 따라 국가비상사태를 선언하면 의회승인 없이 예산사용이 가능하다.

문제는 국경장벽 건설문제가 국가비상사태에 해당하는 상황이냐인데, 향후 법적분쟁이 예상되는 부분이다.

Washington (CNN)

President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency to unlock billions of dollars in federal funds to build a wall on the southern border, bypassing Congress after lawmakers refused to meet his multi-billion dollar request for border wall funds.

For weeks, the President and his top officials had argued that there is a "crisis" on the southern border. Democrats pushed against that argument, saying there's no security crisis but rather a humanitarian one.

According to federal data, Customs and Border Protection apprehended nearly 400,000 people along the Southwest border in fiscal year 2018, an increase from 2017 but a decrease from 2016. Many of those apprehended were claiming asylum.

  • bipartisan : 양당의 (공화당,민주당)
  • skepticism : 회의론
  • multi-billion : 수십억의
  • humanitarian : 인도주의적인
  • apprehend : 체포하다
  • asylum : 망명 [əˈsaɪləm] 
